Archaeocafé Podcast – Episode 5 – A career on the rocks: An interview with Todd Kristensen

hosted by Otis Crandell

In this episode, I talk with Todd Kristensen about his work on the Alberta Lithic Reference Project, his research in northern Canada, and popularising history and heritage through art in the Heritage Art Series.

Listen to this episode online:



Some useful terminology and links

A term used in archaeology to refer to stone artefacts and the raw materials used to produce them.

Alberta Lithic Reference Project
The goal of the Alberta Lithic Reference Project (ALRP) is to guide the creation of articles and photographic libraries that will form the basis for a stand-alone Alberta toolstone guide.

Heritage Art Series
The Heritage Art Series is a collaboration of the Historic Resources Management Branch, the University of Alberta, and the Royal Alberta Museum. Each artwork shares an important story about the people of Alberta.

Archaeological Survey of Alberta
An government institution which evaluates proposed development projects, administers archaeological permits, and manages site information for the province of Alberta (Canada). It also conducts research and works with communities and other stakeholders to increase awareness of archaeology in Alberta and to protect significant sites.


About Todd Kristensen

Dr. Kristensen works for the Archaeological Survey of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. His research looks at the relations between people and landscapes in Western Canada. He also started the Alberta Lithic Reference Project and the Heritage Art Series.





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