hosted by Otis Crandell
In this episode I talk with Bonnie Glencross, Gary Warrick, and Louis Lesage about minimally invasive strategies in archaeology and their work on the Tay Point Archaeology project.
hosted by Otis Crandell
In this episode I talk with Bonnie Glencross, Gary Warrick, and Louis Lesage about minimally invasive strategies in archaeology and their work on the Tay Point Archaeology project.
hosted by Otis Crandell
In this episode I talk with Eldon Yellowhorn about the Missing Children Project and his use of archaeology in this project. We also discuss calls to action in the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Canada) which are particularly relevant to archaeology, and we discuss the various ways that history can be recorded, revealed and retold.
hosted by Otis Crandell
In this episode, I talk with Kaitlyn Malleau, Sarah Hazell, and Naomi Recollet about community based, collaborative, and indigenous archaeology.